14 May 2019

Thursday 30th May, 4pm-5.15pm,
Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve
Primary school and early childhood educators are invited to join Birdlife Australia and the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater for a FREE professional development workshop focused on the Helmeted Honeyeater.
The program is designed to inspire schools to connect with and conserve Victoria’s critically endangered state emblem.
Participants will take home an education kit with lesson plans and resources to deliver an education program focused on the Helmeted Honeyeater and related conservation issues, that
brings the biological sciences, geography, and sustainability curriculums to life!
For bookings please contact Alex Johnson by May 24th via email: alexandra.johnson@birdlife.org.au or phone: 0413 968 036.
This event is supported by the Port Phillip & Westernport CMA, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.