Yarra4Life Governance

Yarra4Life is governed by the Yarra4Life Coordination Committee.

Members of the committee are appointed by Melbourne Water using the provisions from the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. The committee is governed by the Yarra4Life Coordination Committee Charter.

Committee membership

Melbourne Water appoints the Chair and all other members of the committee. The committee aims to have a membership that provides a mix of relevant skills from Yarra4Life stakeholders, that are actively involved in natural resource management in the Yarra Valley. 

Membership to the committee is sought through public advertisement and invitations to stakeholder organisations every three years. Members may be re-appointed at the end of their term.

Responsibilities of the Committee

The committee will act as a Board of Management for the Yarra4Life program. The committee will have responsibility to undertake roles including:

  • Implement the strategic directions and management principles for Yarra4Life as outlined in the Yarra4Life Strategic Plan.
  • Review and amend the strategic directions and management principles for Yarra4Life as required.
  • Oversee, and report to Melbourne Water General Manager Waterways and Catchment Operations on, all aspects of the development and management of Yarra4Life including financial management and on-ground performance.
  • Identify priority projects within Yarra4Life.
  • Seek and source funding and resourcing for Yarra4Life in line with relevant Melbourne Water sponsorship policy.
  • Determine the allocation of funding that has been secured to Yarra4Life (where there is some discretion to do so).
  • Guide the work program of the Yarra4Life Coordinator in collaboration with the relevant Melbourne Water manager.
  • Advise Melbourne Water General Manager Waterways and Catchment Operations of emerging Yarra4Life issues and recommend strategies by which these might be addressed.
  • Identify and foster opportunities for integration and cooperation between programs, agencies and the community relevant to Yarra4Life.
  • Promote the Yarra4Life program to potential sponsors, government, stakeholders and local communities.
  • Members are to argue the issue, not the person.
  • All members should help to maintain the focus of discussion on the issues at hand.
  • Members must agree that consensus is the preferred approach in decision making.
  • Members acknowledge that, where consensus cannot be reached in a timely manner or where there are differences of view, voting on issues may be used by the Chair to enable decisions to be reached by majority.

Yarra4Life Coordinator

The overall strategic and executive support of the committee is undertaken by a Yarra4Life Coordinator, employed by Melbourne Water. This position supports the committee, is guided by the committee and works in line with the direction of the committee. The position is accountable to an appropriate Melbourne Water Manager to ensure satisfactory work performance and that day-to-day line management, mentorship and leadership is provided for the position.

Financial management

Implementation of the Yarra4Life Strategic Plan involves funding from various sources and organisations managed through partnership arrangements. The committee oversees the allocation and expenditure of these funds. A financial report is generated by Melbourne Water and provided to the committee for consideration at each of its regular meetings.

Coordination Committee members

The current Coordination Committee consists of representatives from the following partner organisations.

  • Cardinia Shire Council
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater
  • Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum
  • Melbourne Water
  • Nangana Landcare Network
  • Parks Victoria
  • Trust for Nature
  • Victorian National Parks Association
  • Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
  • Yarra Ranges Council
  • Yarra Ranges Landcare Network
  • Yarra River Keeper Association
  • Yarra Valley Water
  • Zoo’s Victoria

Committee performance

The committee reviews its performance on an annual basis and provides any consequent recommendations to Melbourne Water.