History & Progress

Yarra4Life is a successful example of collaboration on a project that was started in 2006.

It brought together a range of individuals, groups and organisations to develop and agree upon the Yarra4Life program’s common aims. It facilitated the partners to work together, partially implementing the program and achieving progress towards the program’s aims. It will continue to make tangible progress towards Yarra4Life’s vision.

Progress so far

Yarra4Life has helped to create some of the necessary native vegetation links, or biolinks, between existing parklands and reserves in the Yarra and Yellingbo areas. This includes the protection and enhancement of priority native vegetation on both public and private land, which will assist the preservation of two of Melbourne’s iconic wildlife species – the Helmeted Honeyeater and the Leadbeaters Possum.

See the stateline story on Yarra4Life’s works with the Helmeted Honeyeater here

Yarra4Life has worked to improve water quality in the Yarra River. It has supported local agricultural businesses and landowners to undertake programs that improve the environmental sustainability of their businesses and property management.

The future of the program is building on these foundations and increasing landholder and corporate support of the program.