The program’s strength is its ability to bring a range of individuals, groups and organisations together to deliver programs that make tangible environmental improvements, and encourage and educate individuals and businesses about the need to invest in improving the Yarra environment.
Yarra4Life is helping to create necessary native vegetation links between existing parklands and reserves in the Yarra and Yellingbo areas. This includes the protection and enhancement of priority native vegetation which will also assist the preservation of two of Melbourne’s iconic wildlife species – the Helmeted Honeyeater and the Leadbeater’s possum.
Aside from this valuable program, Yarra4Life works to improve water quality in the Yarra River, and to support landowners to undertake programs to achieve sustainable property management and encourages the community, government and business to invest in the program and Yarra region.
View a copy of the Yarra4Life-Strategic-Plan-2017-22.

Yarra4life goals
The vision set for Yarra4Life program is to ensure Ecosystems across the Yarra4Life landscape are protected, connected ,resilient, and supported by a community that values the natural environment.
Being centred around three key goals with specific measures of success:
- Goal 1: Connect ecosystems in the Yarra4Life area
- Goal 2: Connect people with the natural environment
- Goal 3: Connect Yarra4Life coordination partners
Connections for wildlife
Helping to save the Helmeted Honeyeater and other native animal species by increasing the quality, extent and connectivity of habitat across the landscape. In particular, establishing biolink connections from the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve north to the Yarra Ranges National Park, south-east to the Bunyip State Park and south-west to the Dandenong Ranges National Park.
Connections for people along the Yarra
Seeking to initiate a feasibility study for a Great Yarra Trail that would enable hiking and cycling all the way from the mountain ranges at the head of the Yarra River to Port Phillip Bay.
Connecting people with the Yarra environment
Initiating an annual event in the Yarra Valley that connects local communities and visitors with the environmental and cultural values of the Yarra, raises awareness of environmental issues, increases community health and well-being, and celebrates the beauty of the area.
Connections between Yarra4Life partners
Maintaining strong, ongoing connections between the many organisations involved in environmental management in the Yarra Valley. Enabling information-sharing, cooperation and partnership development, to ensure effective and efficient, allocation of effort and resources. This will connect government organisations, agencies and local community groups, and will also involve reaching out to those landowners who are not yet engaged in the program.